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*Viện Khoa học Lâm nghiệp Nam Trung Bộ và Tây Nguyên thuộc Viện Khoa học Lâm nghiệp Việt Nam*


28.08.2024 -


Le Hong Ena*, Truong Quang Cuongb, Ngo Van Cama, Nguyen Pham Doana, Nguyen Van Phuca, Do Van Duonga, Le Thi Thuy Hoaa, Ho Si Hunga, Nguyen Ba Trunga, Ngo Giang Phia, Ho Thi Phuongc

aForest Science Institute of Central Highlands and South of Central Vietnam, Lam Dong, Vietnam
bBidoup Nui Ba National Park, Lam Dong, Vietnam
cVietnam National University of Forestry - Gia Lai Campus, Gia Lai, Vietnam
*Corresponding author’s email: lehongen@gmail.com



Camellia piquetiana, one of the endemic species of Vietnam, is classified as Critically Endangered (CR) by the IUCN. A reassessment of its conservation status and research into propagation methods are essential for its conservation. Our survey recorded 246 mature individuals in the wild at three locations in Lam Dong Province: Bao Loc City, Bao Lam District, and Da Huoai District. The conservation assessment for this species, determined with GeoCat software, is still CR. Propagation by partially uncoated seeds had a higher propagation efficiency than by coated seeds. The germination percentage was 92.22%; the seeds began germination after 11 days and finished after 29.33 days. The results showed that stem cuttings immersed in a concentration of 500 ppm indole-3-butyric acid for 10 minutes with a 100% coir substrate gave the highest survival percentage (90.00%), rooting percentage (86.67%), average number of roots (4.54), root length (4.86 cm), and rooting index (21.98) after 90 days.

Keywords: Camellia piquetiana; Conservation; Cuttings; IBA; Rooting.

Sources: Dalat University Journal of Science 2024(1): 56–71

or link: https://doi.org/10.37569/DalatUniversity.14.1.1224(2024)

Figure. Propagation of C. piquetiana by seeds
Notes: (a) Fruit; (b) Coated seeds; (c) Uncoated seeds; (d) Germination of coated seeds; (e) Germination
of uncoated seeds; (f) Seedlings after 3 months, scale bar: 1 cm.



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