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*Viện Khoa học Lâm nghiệp Nam Trung Bộ và Tây Nguyên thuộc Viện Khoa học Lâm nghiệp Việt Nam*

Camellia phuongchiana (Theaceae, section Piquetia), a new species from Lam Dong Province, southern Vietnam

31.08.2022 -

Quach Van Hoi1,2, Hoang Thanh Truong3, Truong Quang Cuong4, Le Viet Hung5, Luong Van Dung6,      Vo Quang Trung7, Nong Van Duyand Anthony S. Curry9


Technology, Xo Viet Nghe Tinh St. 116, Dalat, 66107, Vietnam; e-mail: quachvanhoi@gmail.com

School of Natural Sciences, Far Eastern Federal University, Sukhanova St. 8, Vladivostok, 690090, Russia

Forest Science Institute of Central Highlands and South of Central Vietnam, Vietnamese Academy of

   Forest Science, Dalat City, Lam Dong, Vietnam; e-mail: truonghoangthanhld@gmail.com

Bidoup Nui Ba National Park, Tran Hung Dao St. 5E, Dalat, 66116, Vietnam; e-mail: forestek36a@yahoo.com

Gung Re Junior High School, Di Linh, Lam Dong, Vietnam; e-mail: leviethung4@gmail.com

Faculty of Biology, Dalat University, Phu Dong Thien Vuong St. 01, Dalat, 66106, Vietnam;

   e-mail: luongvandungdl@gmail.com

Dong Nai Culture and Nature Reserve, Vinh Cuu, Dong Nai, Vietnam; e-mail: quangtrungkbt@gmail.com

Tay Nguyen Institute for Scientific Research, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,

   Xo Viet Nghe Tinh St. 116, Dalat, 66107, Vietnam; e-mail: vanduyvshtn@gmail.com

ACurry|hortbot, 3 Ferguson Road, Springwood, NSW 2777, Australia; e-mail: anthonycurry55@gmail.com



A new species of the genus Camellia (Theaceae, section Piquetia), C. phuongchiana from Lam Dong Province, southern Vietnam, is described and illustrated. The new species appears to be morphologically closest to C. honbaensis and C. piquetiana in the section Piquetia, but it differs in having more petals, with both petal surfaces densely pubescent; young branches sparsely pubescent; smaller leaves, with the leaf bases broadly acute or obtuse; longer petioles; and longer and thinner pedicels. Data on phenology, distribution, ecology, and conservation status of the new species are given, and a key to all species of section Piquetia is provided.


Keywords: Critically endangered, endemic, mixed evergreen broadleaf-bamboo forest, umbilicate hila.

Sources: Brittonia, XX(X), 2022, pp. 1–7

Online: 9
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Tổng lượt truy cập: 00417673