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*Viện Khoa học Lâm nghiệp Nam Trung Bộ và Tây Nguyên thuộc Viện Khoa học Lâm nghiệp Việt Nam*

Field methods for above and belowground biomass estimation in plantation forests

23.03.2021 -

Field methods for above and belowground biomass estimation in plantation forests

Trinh Huynh a,b,∗, David J. Lee a, Grahame Applegate a, Tom Lewis a,c

a Forest Research Institute, University of the Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore Dc, Queensland, Australia
b Forest Science Institute of Central Highlands and South of Central, Dalat, Vietnam
c Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Gympie, Queensland, Australia



A practical and cost-effective destructive sampling method for estimating above and belowground biomass of Corymbia citriodora subspecies variegata grown in plantations is described. The methodology includes details on selecting sample trees, weighing tree components in the field, excavating root systems and obtaining fresh weights and laboratory analyses of components to determine oven dry weights. The development of these sampling procedures is a basic step towards successful, consistent collection of biomass data in 18-20 years old plantation forests. This methodology was developed for eucalypt hardwood timber plantations in Queensland, Australia. However, these procedures can be applied to plantations elsewhere as well as to trees in native forest environments with minor modifications. The methodology developed for field sampling of the tree components and the derivation of allometric relationships for predicting individual tree biomass (above and belowground) highlighted the following:

• Accurate quantification of above and belowground biomass of eucalypts.

• Description of measured variables for developing allometric relationships.

• Integration of field and laboratory measurements to streamline data collection.

Keywords: Destructively sampled trees, Root systems, Wood density, Canopy area

Sources: MethodsX 8(2021) 101192

Online: 8
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Tổng lượt truy cập: 00417564